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Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical


Industry Canada requires that any operator of radiotelephone equipment, on board aircraft and at aeronautical land (fixed and mobile) radio stations using aeronautical mobile frequencies, be the holder of a Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical.

We offer training in the use of raditelephone equipment in aircraft and at radio ground stations.  To help you prepare for your training we suggest you reveiw the current reference, RIC-21 — Study Guide for the Restricted Operator Certificate With Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A), by selecting the following link where you can view the document and also download a pdf copy for your off-line reference:


Your time in class allows for training, a review, and the written examination, followed by a final review to ensure your learning is complete. We are authorized by Industry Canada to conduct your written examination leading to the issuance of the Restricted Operator Certificate-Aeronautical. The written exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions and you should be able to complete the exam in less than one hour. Your certificate will be issued by Industry Canada from their office in Ontario.

March 28, 2019Surrey, BCKwantlen Polytechnic University - Cloverdale Campus$100.00$5.00
October 24, 2019Langley, BCKwantlen Polytechnic University - Langley Campus$100.00$5.00


Seating is limited so pre-registration and payment of the course fee is required to reserve your position on the course. Click here to Register and  then you may pay for your course in advance by using one of the following options, in order of preference:

  1. by using Interac e-Transfer to NavPath Aviation Ltd at info@navpath.com
  2. by mailing a cheque to NavPath Aviation Ltd at the address below
  3. or you may also attend, on a space available basis, and pay at the door with Interac e-Transfer or cash.


The $100 fee for your training and examination is also dependent on the location where the course is conducted. Should you request the course at other than the Vancouver area, please contact us directly to discuss your training needs.


We look forward to seeing you in class!


ROC-A Examiner: Bob Leroux
Class 1 Flight Instructor, Pilot Examiner and former Inspector with Transport Canada


… it’s an attitude!  

© Bob Leroux 2012 | NavPath Aviation Ltd
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